Addressing Breast Asymmetry

Serving Greenwood, Greenville, Columbia, South Carolina & nearby Augusta, Georgia

When there are pronounced size or shape differences between the breasts, many problems can follow. In addition to creating an unbalanced look that may result in feeling self-conscious and uncomfortable, choosing a bra or finding flattering clothing can be made difficult by asymmetrical breasts. Depending on the degree of asymmetry, physical limitations may also be presented.

If you are unhappy with the symmetry of your breasts, South Carolina plastic surgeon Dr. Ted Vaughn may be able to help produce balance with one of many breast surgery options. During your initial consultation he can assess your frame and help you determine which options will best meet your specific needs.

Creating Balance

To restore symmetry to the chest, Dr. Vaughn may suggest surgical options including:

  • Breast augmentation
  • Breast lift
  • Breast reduction

A single solution may be adequate for some women, but some cases of asymmetrical breasts benefit most from a combination of procedures. Dr. Vaughn has over two decades of experience helping women achieve their aesthetic goals. He is happy to meet with you for an informative consultation to answer your questions, discuss your options, and help you understand which options will best restore symmetry to your frame.

If you live in or around Greenwood, South Carolina and would like to schedule a consultation with Dr. Vaughn, please contact Piedmont Plastic Surgery today.
