Quick Answers to Your Most Pressing Brazilian Butt Lift Questions

Serving Greenwood, Greenville, Columbia, South Carolina & nearby Augusta, Georgia

A Brazilian butt lift could be the best plastic surgery procedure to help you achieve your goals for the new year. Here we answer some of the most commonly asked questions about butt augmentation, but if you have more questions about how a Brazilian butt lift can help you achieve your cosmetic goals, please give Piedmont Plastic Surgery a call today at 864-223-0505 to arrange your personal consultation with board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Ted Vaughn.

Butt AugmentationWhat Exactly Is a Brazilian Butt Lift?

A Brazilian butt lift is a butt augmentation procedure in which fat is harvested from your own body with liposuction, and that fat is then processed and used to enhance the look of your buttocks.

The benefits of body contouring with a Brazilian butt lift include not only rounding out your rear-end, but also contouring the fat harvesting region, such as your abdomen or hips, where you don’t want excess fat deposits. Butt augmentation with fat transfer often allows for more natural-looking, well-contoured results than buttock implants because of the surgeon’s ability to manipulate the fat during the procedure.

How Do I Know If a Brazilian Butt Lift Is Right for Me?

In order to be a good candidate for a Brazilian butt lift, you should be in good general health and have enough fat at the donor site to transfer to your buttocks for contouring.

The best way to make your final decision about pursuing your cosmetic goals with a Brazilian butt lift procedure is to meet with Dr. Vaughn to fully discuss your goals and options. However, researching and asking questions about butt augmentation can help you make an informed decision.

Will My Results Last?

Yes. Some of the transferred fat will get reabsorbed by your body, but the majority of the fat cells that we transfer will thrive in the new location. That means aside from major weight fluctuations, your final Brazilian butt lift results will be long lasting. The transferred cells do act like any other fat cell in your body. Significant weight gain or loss will significantly impact your butt augmentation results.

How Long Will I Need for Recovery?

With all surgical procedures, your specific recovery time will depend on your body and its natural healing process. However, in general, you can expect to be able to return to work and many normal daily activities within two weeks. You should avoid sitting and applying pressure to the buttocks for about two weeks and you will be restricted from vigorous exercise and activities for about four weeks.  

Call for a Consultation with a Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon

Are you ready to learn more about how butt augmentation can enhance your figure? During your consultation with board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Ted Vaughn, you can learn whether a Brazilian butt lift is the right plastic surgery procedure to help you achieve your individual cosmetic goals.

Please contact Piedmont Plastic Surgery online or by calling 864-223-0505 today to schedule your consultation with Dr. Ted Vaughn. We welcome patients from Greenville, Columbia, and all surrounding areas of South Carolina and Georgia.




